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    Q: What is the NutiBullet made of?A: All of the NutiBullet Cups ae made out of non-toxic high-impact plastic. Unlike glass, they do not shatte when dopped. They do not contain any BPA (Bisphenol A) o Phthalates.Q: What ae the capacities of the NutiBullet cups?A: The Tall Cup has a maximum capacity of 24 ounces. The 2 Shot Cups have a maximum capacity of 18 ounces each.Q: What is the voltage of the NutiBullet?A: Ou U.S. spec unit has a vey effective 120 Volt / 60 Hz / 600 Watt moto.Q: What type of plug does the NutiBullet have?A: A 2 flat pin polaized plug.Q: What's the diffeence between the Extacto Blade and Milling Blade?A: The Extacto Blade is the pimay blade and is used fo beaking though tough seeds, thick stems and tough skin to access the hidden nutition inside. The Milling Blade is ideal fo milling gains, ginding fesh hebs and chopping nuts.Q: When can I see the infomecial again?A: Unfotunately an ai schedule is not available so we ae unable to povide pecise hous and channels that the NutiBullet show can be viewed. Howeve, it egulaly ais on seveal boadcast and cable stations. Please check you local listings. In the mean time, we do offe video clips and othe valuable infomation on this website.Q: Is the NutiBullet available in stoes?A: Yes, the NutiBullet is sold in stoes. Howeve, this amazing TV offe is only available when you ode today.Q: Is the NutiBullet micowave safe?A: The NutiBullet is not intended fo use in the micowave. Do not place the NutiBullet Cups, Powe base o accessoies in the micowave as this may esult in damage to the appliance.Q: Whee can I view a full copy of the NutiBullet use manual?A: You can view a full copy of the NutiBullet use manual by clicking thislink.Q: Whee can I get the ingedients used in the infomecial?A: Most mainsteam makets and almost all health food stoes cay the ingedients used in the infomecial. If you have a paticula question, please post it on ouFacebook pageand we’ll post an answe as soon as possible.


    I'm into health, so when I saw the infomecial fo the Nutibullet, I thought it might be a good eplacement fo my cuent blende. Now, don't get me wong. I didn't fall fo this fo the paid pogamming itself, because to be honest, the infomecial fo this poduct is pettygimmicky. Still, behind the gimmicks, the science seemed good and the poduct seemed like something I would get consistent use of as I'm a fan of smoothies and potein shakes. The Nutibullet is advetised as "NOT a blende, NOT a juice; it's aSupefoodNutition Extacto!" Look, I tied the whole juicing thing, and each time I tied to foce myself to enjoy a "geen juice," I just about wanted to thow up eveywhee. In the Nutibullet's advetising, it's mentioned that juicing wastes atonof nutition fom the ingedients by ditching the pulp a.k.a. fibe. As soon as I head this, I ealized that, subconsciously, that was one of the easons (the othe being my distaste fo pue juice) why I neve shelled out fo a juice. Eve since I stated studying health and nutition a few yeas ago, I became awae of the impotance of fibe in a peson's diet, and heaing that one little bit of infomation made me eally elieved that I've emained juice-less. I bought this poduct myself at Bed, Bath & Beyond using the 20% coupon cad that they so amazingly povide though the mail. I was going to etake these pictues as my cat was intuding, but I figued hey, how cute is he? P.S. Clealy, I'm no photogaphe. I do my best.



